Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Tuesday, July 7, 2020 6 comments

by Chad Koons

Statues are coming down. How do you feel about that?

Slogans are screaming upon signs, people are marching, and BLM is taking over the national conversation. What is your stance?

Deaths are being brought to greater attention, and people nationwide are demanding reform and declaring that justice be served. So, what do you do?

Pick a side and dig in. Unleash your rage and forget about the consequences. You are so blindly wrong, and you will feel my wrath, which you deserve, that I have been waiting to lavish upon you.

If I think you’re wrong then YOU are the problem and I’ll mow you down, either verbally or physically. I am justified in this, I’ve had ENOUGH.

Let the bodies hit the floor…
Let the bodies hit the floor…
Let the bodies hit the floor…
We simply don’t care anymore.

One nation, divided under God.

I know that you are angry. Depending upon what you are angry about, you may even have a great reason to be. But this isn’t Fox News and it isn’t CNN. These are people’s lives we are talking about. This is a cry into the heart of mankind, created in the image and after the likeness of God Himself.

Have righteous anger. But be angry and sin NOT.

Where is the voice of healing?
Where are the actions of true and lasting change?

We need to WAKE UP. We are NOT battling flesh and blood here.
No, that black person is not your enemy.
No, that white person is not your enemy.
No, that cop is not your enemy.
No, that institution is not your enemy.
No, that movement is not your enemy.

See? It’s on both sides. Racism is an ancient evil, born of Satan and carried along by demonic device.

Yes, we need to reveal the darkness.
Yes, we need to call out injustice.
Yes, we need to warn, protect, and educate.
Yes, we need to stand up for the neglected and empower the downtrodden.
Most importantly, YES we need to be like Jesus during this moment of His-story. Only God can judge, and rest assured that your every word and action will be judged by Him.

For my part, are my words brining life into this death scene? How useful am I really being? As a most wise mentor once told me, “Work like it all depends on work… and pray like it all depends on prayer.”

Sarcasm needs to stop. Pre-judging others needs to stop. Insults need to stop. Can we grow up? Satan has a plan for this. Yet God is up to something bigger, and only the wise will join Him there. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. I won’t pretend to tell you how to fix this, but I do know who can. God help us, I fear that we are too self-righteous to seek Him. Do not look back on this moment and mourn the good you could have been.

Love God and love people. If bodies hit the floor, it should be yours – in prayer before a holy God.

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Stacey Rijo said...

So good. I am at this point where I both sit in awe thankful that I have open eyes to see it all yet grieved that so many people I love and more importantly so many people GOD loves which is ALL , are stuck in a mess and calling it good. I even know believer's stuck in this and it's painful. I think that you nailed it though, there's only ONE way to fight now and that's in the spirit and how do we do that? By hitting the floor. By taking a look at our own hearts and checking ourselves first and making sure that what comes out of our heart is pure because once we release it, it has the power of life or death. We have weapons that we carry that can be that difference for someone and It's so important to remind ourselves that Jesus died for ALL of humanity not giving one thought of what country they were born in and certainly not holding one accountable for the mistakes of their fathers. Racism is hate, it's never justified, it's an accusation from hell and it is sneaky, it sneaks even into the homes of believer's and pastors even build churches around it, crying out against hate while teaching it from their pulpits.Hate breeds hate and this is what we are watching unfold. Racism ushered in the division while COVID ushered in the fear, this is a great set up for the enemy to come in and move , while everyone is hiding behind masks in fear or fighting each other he can be "the answer" to their problem, whether that looks like people gathering in "cliques" to "lift each other up" and build this movement or that movement or that looks like depending on the government to financially keep them afloat, neither turning to God as the source. Everyone wanna "Be woke" but few actually awaken. So yes, hitting the floor is the place to be right now, fasting and praying and putting on the armor of faith to be able to withstand ... There's a war going on, it's not starting it's already here and revival is at our door ��

Jason said...

Speaking out of our flesh is so dangerous! It can hurt, kill, and destroy in a heartbeat. How great a forest is set aflame by a small fire. As you have stated, we must be led by the spirit of God and not our flesh! This is a mighty time and we have been chosen to be part of a generation that will move in the power and love of God like never before! It's time to fight the war the right way. Not fighting each other, but the principalities, powers, and rulers of wickedness behind it. The United States is blood washed and the awakening is here! Rise up men and women of God!

barefoot girl said...

What a day for this to be presented as I typed an email to my church wondering if they will cast me out for following Christ instead of worldly choices.

Mathew 12 specifically vs 25-26 where Jesus was called out for healing a demon possessed man with the power of Satan. "“Any kingdom divided by civil war is doomed. A town or family splintered by feuding will fall apart. 26 And if Satan is casting out Satan, he is divided and fighting against himself. His own kingdom will not survive" (NLT)
Yet at the same time I read this verse a few weeks ago, I was also show this one, 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 "Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made in this place." (NLT)
Hatred, Fear, Unforgiveness, Lies, and other countless sins are just that... SIN. Only through prayer, repentance and forgiveness can we lay before our God for ourselves and the people around us.
I have had the cry in my heart today "Choose this day who you will serve?" The reality of Jesus is, " But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!" Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)
Today has been a day of prayer for our nation and the Church and it's only 7:30 in Colorado this morning. Lately, I've been learning to be silent and only pray or speak when God leads. It is hard, its painful, "But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 (NLT)

Lonny Clouser said...

Very well said, Chad.
I know that you didn't specifically mention President Trump - I posted this earlier this morning on a friends post because all of the HATE that is rising everywhere is just getting to me. I centered my response on President Trump because it seems like many people use him personally as the one who started all this -- we all know who started all this and it wasn't him -- it started at the beginning of time.

President Trump is not perfect (only ONE man is) and some of the things he says (or said) give me pause, but I truly believe that he has the best interests of America and of Americans in mind as he takes care of his daily business in the White House.
The bottom line for me is love him or hate him, to continually fight for his failure is to FIGHT FOR THE FAILURE OF OUR COUNTRY.

We all need to pray for him (wisdom, clarity, discernment, health, etc.) on a daily basis, especially now when everywhere you look it seems like the world is on fire. The only way we are going to get through this is to come together as one people - as AMERICANS - citizens of the BEST nation in the world (I'm biased about that though, your views about which is the best nation may vary 😃 ).

AND COME TOGETHER AS CHRISTIANS to pray for our country, our people, and our leaders!

Kim said...

Well said. Thank you for posting great words from the Throne. Now is the time to say either I am on the Lords side of the worlds side. I love you brother. Have a wonderfully beautiful day

Michele Quinones said...

All of this. Well said Chad