by Logan Ames
As you think back to what you have experienced and learned over the past year, you’ll probably be reminded of both your joys and any tragedy or suffering you experienced. If we’re honest, most of us have a much harder time moving forward from the suffering than we do from the good times. We could have a thousand blessings come our way in a year’s time, yet our human nature often leads us to focus on the regrets or the things that didn’t happen the way we had envisioned. I believe that is why God’s Word has such a strong focus on the word “new”. It’s the joy and excitement of not only the coming Messiah at Christmas, but the brand new life we can enjoy because of him.
King David stated that the Lord had given him a NEW song of praise to lift up to God after he was rescued “out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire” (
Psalm 40:1-3). Jeremiah prophesied that a time would be coming when the Lord would make a NEW covenant with the houses of Israel and Judah (
Jeremiah 31:31). That covenant would be signed with the blood of Jesus. The prophet later declared that, even the midst of pain and suffering, we are not destroyed because God’s mercies are NEW every morning (
Lamentations 3:22-23). In the most joyful report in all of human history, the angel reported to the shepherds in
Luke 2:10-11, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good NEWS of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord” (caps mine).
The Christmas season has come and gone and for many people, it feels like a major letdown. But there’s a big problem with that. Christmas is not supposed to be the end, but the very beginning of the new life that includes God in the flesh. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus each year, it’s not supposed to be the end of the anticipation so we can merely get back to the way things were before we anticipated. The arrival of Christ means that things have changed in a big way. It means that whatever was before has passed away and it’s time to live in submission to him because his presence is GOOD. Take a look at the magi in
Matthew 2. They were indeed “wise”, but not in the sense of Godly wisdom. They were wise in the sense that they were very educated, particularly in astrology. They didn’t know God, and really only followed whatever astrological signs were presented before them. As they followed Jesus’ star on a very long journey, they had no clue what they would find or how it would make them feel. But
verses 10-11 are clear that they were “overjoyed” when they saw the Christ and then bowed down, worshipped him, and offered their gifts to him. There was something NEW about this trip, about this star, about this child. It presented a NEW experience that immediately changed their hearts and led them to worship a baby that was born in a lowly major rather than the evil king who thought they were on his side.
The idea of God bringing new things through Jesus has a meaning both now AND in the future. Jesus’ entrance to the world gives us new hope as we continue to live in this fallen world, but it also points us toward that time when sin will be completely erased for those who follow him. Look at the words in
Revelation 21:3-5 from the One seated on the throne: “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. I am making everything new! Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true”.
As you wrap up this final day of 2014, how is the revelation of Jesus affecting you? Where in your life do you see the need for this NEW presence? Where have you been feeling hopeless and helpless? I assure you that Jesus wants to make things new in your life. He wants you to forget about the past and focus on what is coming and what he has planned for you. Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new year and you can make the choice today to follow, trust, and obey Jesus in 2015. He began his ministry by telling all who he encountered to “repent and believe the good news” (
Mark 1:15). You will see that his words are trustworthy and true if you only put your faith in him.
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