Is There No God in Israel?

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Friday, October 4, 2024 0 comments

by Charlie Wolcott

How is it possible, with so much evidence for God’s existence and power, that to find anyone who believes Him is such a hard task? If God were expressing Himself in a human mind, this must have been what He was thinking regarding King Ahaziah, son of Ahab of Israel. Ahaziah was old enough to see the miracles of Elijah. He knew about the drought. He at least heard about the Mt. Carmel incident. And he knew of Micaiah’s prophecy that sent Ahab to his grave and gave him the throne.

Yet when Ahaziah fell through the terrace in his place, his first turn was to seek the Baals. Why? His mother was Jezebel, and she was one of Baal’s priestesses. His sister was Athaliah, who married Jehoshaphat’s son. Baal worship was rampant in Israel because of Jezebel and her children to the point where Elijah thought he was the last good prophet left. Ahaziah never turned to seek the Lord. He sought Baal, and Elijah stopped the messenger to force the king to face the Lord. Instead Ahaziah sent three different companies of soldiers to arrest Elijah. The first two were slaughtered because Elijah called fire from heaven, and the third pled for mercy. Elijah gave the same message: “Is there no God in Israel?” Ahaziah died and his brother took the throne until Jehu’s cleansing of Ahab’s line.

Let me ask a similar question: Is there no God in the United States? Is there no God in the Church in America? To be clear, Israel was under covenant with God and the United States is not, however the key problem is the same. Those who profess the name of Christ, those who proclaim to be in the covenant with God, are seeking other gods besides the Lord for their needs. Perhaps the greatest idol in the U.S. today, and there are many, is the “man of knowledge.” Yes, we have severe idols with drugs, entertainment, sex, celebrities, money, comfort, etc., but few are idolized greater than the academic. Understand that I am not talking about individuals but academia as a whole. And it's not merely the heathens who worship this god; the Christian in the U.S. worships this idol more than anything else.

There are a lot of good things that have come out of academic studies, but when academic credentials became the standard instead of actual quality work and character, all the academic fields fell into disarray and became total cesspools of false knowledge. Proverbs states that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. There is no true knowledge that can be had that does not find its source in the Lord. A militant anti-theist can say some truthful things from time to time, but those true things never originated out of that person’s thinking, but they actually came from a God-fearing man who got his ideas from the ultimate source. In all the academic studies we have, there are a lot of conundrums that cannot and will not be solved by man’s own efforts. The academics are seeking every source and possible answer except one that reveals the True God, and God is saying, “Here I am.”

George Washington Carver was born a slave and raised and adopted by his owners when slaves were politically freed. However, his people were still slaves to cotton economically because they knew nothing else. Carver had done his studies and realized the peanut plant would be the solution to not only freeing the blacks from cotton but the South itself, which had no other crop to work with. Where did Carver turn to? The academics? The witch doctors? No. He turned to the God of the Bible and asked God how he made each part of the plant and what each part could do, and he came up with 300+ recipes for the peanut plant. It was not even considered a possible crop at the time, and now he had it. He knew there was still a God in the U.S., and he turned to that God to rescue the South from its slavery to cotton.

In the churches, the situation is much worse. Is there a God in the American church? Look at the average church prayer meeting and you’ll find the answer as to whether that church actually believes in God or not. Where is the God that works miracles and shows supernatural deliverance? Where is the God who gave the U.S. the power to overthrow the most powerful empire in the world to earn our freedom? Where is the God that Carver prayed to and Edwards and Whitefield preached of? The answer is simple: He’s still here. He is just being silent because we are not seeking Him. We are not going after Him, not as a nation. I am so grateful for God placing me in a church at the right time to stop me from pursuing the academic-heavy slant I was heading in and reel me back in to use the academic strengths I have for God’s Kingdom instead of my own. My church is actively seeking in prayer for God to come back and do what God has been known to do in the church once again. But churches like mine are hard to come by.

Look at pastoral requirements. You see a standard list of business-like credentials. MDiv? Check. Previous pastoral experience with youth or associate or assistant? Check. Doctrinal statement of beliefs? Check. But show me the church that selects their pastors according to the official credential list found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, and I’ll show you a rare diamond in the rough. I will never forget Randy Guilluza of the Institute of Creation Research closing a conference back in 2018 with this statement. He said if he were on a pastoral selection committee, he would not ask about the Trinity. He would ask about how he handles the fear of man, because if he can handle the fear of man correctly, he’ll get the Trinity correct. When helping churches with their pastor selection team, Paul Washer will have the team list all the things they want the pastor to do and it usually ends up being a 160-hours-a-day list. Then he asks how long they want that pastor in prayer and Scripture seeking the face of God. In saying that, prayer and Scripture study and seeking God is almost never on the mind of church leadership.

Is there a God in the U.S.? Do we actually believe there is one? Because as God did with Ahaziah and the family of Ahab, God is going to remind the United States that He is still here, and it is not going to be for fun and games. Judgment is coming and it is here. We are seeing Psalm 50 being carried out before us – where the wicked, professing to be Christians, did all sorts of evil, thinking God was just like them and would readily forgive them all, but instead God is going to wipe them out and tear them to pieces. Our nation has forgotten God, but God has not left. He has merely been silent and left us to our own devices, and He is going to drop the hammer soon. That judgment will start in the House of God and since we have not and will not repent as a whole, the only option left is intense persecution. God is going to purify His bride before He comes to take her home. May we be as the 7000 who did not bow their knee to Baal. May we be among those who did not forget God, and may we proudly declare that there is still a God in the United States and He will be worshiped one way or the other.

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