Praise You in the Storm If you are dealing with a loss, I pray this post encourages you.
by Bill Seng My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant. (Luke 1:46-48) Before Jesus was born, an angel came to Joseph, his earthly step-father, to tell him what was going on with his pregnant wife-to-be. The angel told him “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). The very name, Jesus, means “God is salvation.” To call Jesus our Savior is to call him by name. But if he is our savior, what is he saving us from? Matthew 1:21 very clearly states that Jesus would save his people from their sins. But what does that mean? The other day, my wife had a conversation with a very kind person who said that they do not believe in hell because a loving and just God could not punish someone eternally when his or her sin was only carried out for 70 or so years. That implies that if people do not go to heaven, then the worst punishment for them is to be obliterated from existence when he or she dies. If that is the case, the atheists may as well continue living as they are and believing as they do because that is what they are expecting anyway. Hell, however, is a very real place and it is entered through our sin. Sin is separation from God. Hell is eternal separation from God. The reward for sin is death and the place where the spiritually dead reside for eternity is hell. Regardless of what the nature of the torment is, the New Testament makes it very clear that hell is a place of torment. In the Old Testament God made provisions through the Law that he gave to Moses so that people could have their sins covered over through animal sacrifices. Since sin warrants death, something had to die in order for people to be made right with God (if this does not make sense, think of it in legal terms). In all reality, in order to bring about true justice, a human would need to be sacrificed. This human would also have to be perfect in order to cancel out the sin of the offender. The problem we have is that there is no perfect human and even if there was, the power of sacrificing one human would either be limited or non-existent. Jesus, God’s Son, fulfills every requirement to make mankind right with God through his sacrifice. Being in very nature God, his sacrifice had the power to wash away the sins of the world. But that’s not all! I would like to add that Jesus introduces a new lifestyle to those who have accepted his sacrifice. The world wallows in purposeless existence. Jesus wants us to spread the good news of the Gospel. The world drowns out their sorrows with destructive behaviors. Jesus wants us to engage in a lifestyle that yields treasure for eternal life. The world is bitter towards everyone. Jesus wants us to love everyone, even our enemies. Because he has saved us from our sins, he has saved us from the pattern of a normal life and has reserved us for a supernatural life. This is the time of the year to remember our Savior. We put our hope in so many things that do not matter. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is God, and it is only God’s Son that gives us eternal life.
Colossians 1:17, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
1 Corinthians 8:6, “Yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.”
by Bill Seng “There are billions of people out there who have never read the Bible, don't practice Christianity, yet still know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad.”
“And it's far more sad when people do have the opportunity to hear about Buddha and STILL reject it. And it's far more sad when people do have the opportunity to hear about Ra and STILL reject it. And it's far more sad when people do have the opportunity to hear about Zeus and STILL reject it…Do you sense a pattern here?”
“… you do certainly come off as arrogant when you say: 'There can only be one God and that is my God.'
That flies in the face of the other 6 Billion people on this planet that have other religious affiliations or no affiliation at all.”
~Anonymous Blogger Is salvation a matter of “my way” or the “high way”? Do we have a relationship with God based on our own terms or does God have a standard with which we must first comply? This anonymous blogger, aside from rejecting God, questions the fairness of God according to Biblical standards of how we can have a relationship with him. So is it a matter of salvation through my way or the high way? Is there only one way to God? Is the only exclusive way to heaven through his Son, Jesus Christ? What about the people who have never heard about Jesus Christ in their lifetime? Aren’t there many good people in the world who have never heard of Jesus that deserve to go to heaven? What about children that do not understand the Gospel message? What is their fate in the afterlife? There is no simple answer to these questions and frankly, during a meeting where my fellow bloggers and I were gathered, I guarantee you that although there were 8 people in the room it felt like there were 9 because that’s about how many different opinions were expressed while we were discussing this topic. In other words, it does not have a simple answer. But let me highlight some points to consider concerning this debate. First of all, in the Bible Jesus clearly says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). If you are a Christian, you must submit to the fact that Jesus stated very clearly he is the only way to heaven or to the Father, as he puts it. The way that I read this statement it can only be taken one way: if you die and have not accepted Jesus, you will not go to heaven. John 3:18 (also the words of Jesus) states, “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” I think that the Bible is very clear on that topic. The book of Romans provides Scriptures that elaborate on this subject, but I am going to save these insights for our upcoming Romans series. Regarding those who would be considered “good” by human standards, I still think that such a person is condemned if they have not received Jesus even if they have not heard about him. Although someone might appear to be a good man or woman, human standards are not the standards by which God holds us. That might sound harsh, but that is because we are so utterly depraved in our thinking that we truthfully cannot grasp God’s ideals, which is why he gave the law to Moses. After mankind originally sinned, God judged the world and made a covenant. As he was promising never to send a global flood again, he stated: “Every inclination of his [mankind’s] heart is evil from childhood” (Genesis 8:21). We have a problem starting with our core that we are born into sin and truly cannot overcome that sin nature on our own will. But what about infants? There are answers to this question that are rooted in pure theology, but I will instead approach it from strictly a Scriptural perspective. I have heard it mentioned that there is an age of accountability before which God essentially does not hold you accountable for your sins. I used to think that there was a Scriptural basis for it rooted in the Old Testament law, but have been unable to find it. The only Scripture reference that I truly see about children that might not understand the Gospel is 1 Corinthians 7:14. Paraphrasing, it implies that children are “made clean” through their believing parent. Nonetheless, there must be some sort of age of accountability because every adult is responsible for accepting or rejecting Christ. But do all children go to heaven? Some people would make the case that Matthew 18:10 is evidence that all children go to heaven. Jesus stands a child in front of a crowd and states, “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:10). Is that what this statement is really saying, or does the context give a different message? I will leave that up to debate. Ultimately we have to trust that God is just. We do not know the hearts of everyone around us and even those who might appear to be devout Christians may one day be proven to be frauds, posing as Christ-followers for their own benefit. As Ravi Zacharias said, on the Day of Judgment, there will be surprises. That is why the Apostle Paul wrote, “continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12) and “now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). If God is so good, why has he only provided one way to go to heaven? This question from our skewed human perspective might seem reasonable, but it neglects a very serious reality. And that is that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). In other words, NOBODY DESERVES TO GO TO HEAVEN. EVERYONE DESERVES TO GO TO HELL. Not my way, but instead the High way. Thank God that he has provided A way!
by Bill Seng This might seem a little delayed, but I would like to share some thanksgiving and praise from my life. I would have to embellish quite a bit to make my story sound exciting, so instead, I am just going to describe things in my life that have been a real blessing. First of all, I have been blessed with a new job. It was a great blessing working for my previous employer and now that I am working for a new business, I have had the opportunity to make new friends with different backgrounds. I have really enjoyed getting to know my new co-workers and finding ways that I can be a blessing to them. Second, my wife has recently been hired in to a new job as well! To me it is not ideal that my wife holds a permanent position, since we both agree that she has been happy staying home with our son for the past year and a half. But for the time being it is a true blessing to have the extra income to help us pay our bills. Third, our son, Jaden, is almost a year and a half old! It is so incredible how quickly time passes and it is incredible how quickly he is growing. He has been a true blessing to our family. He brings a degree of joy to everyone that we never knew was possible. This has especially been a blessing because God has made it clear to us that he would be a blessing to everyone around him. We ask only that others would pray for us and him as he grows and matures. The Lord also has many things in store for my wife and I for this upcoming year. I am currently in the process of revising my book The World That Then Was so that I can re-release it through Amazon's self-publishing tool, Create Space. My wife and I have been managing a business outside of our jobs that both of us have been stepping up our involvement in. And I am probably going to be seeking more preaching opportunities in this new year with churches, nursing homes, and other venues if at all possible. I am excited about everything coming our way. I believe that God has great plans for our family, as he does for everyone in his family. Although I don't like the cold weather that much, this time of year is a wonderful time to reflect on what God has been doing for us and what he has done for us. It is incredible that we get to have Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s so close together since they are very complementary in their intentions so long as we keep in mind what the true meaning of each holiday really is. I hope everyone is able to enjoy this season to the glory of God!