Brick by Brick This past Wednesday God, in and through His people, supplied a piece of equipment for our radio ministry that was very much needed. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Through you He supplied the finances in under 24 hours of letting you know about this need. We had a person offer up a Match Challenge for this equipment and the finances were raised in under 5 hours from the time of the Match Challenge. Praise God and thank you for the support. Because of this I have had a number of you ask me how else you can support the ministry and work of Worldview Warriors. After thinking this through a bit and praying I have decided to share with you something that we believe we are called to do but we need serious prayer and financial support to see this come to fruition. So, what is it? For about a year now we have been preparing to expand our radio ministry through out the nation. It seems as if God has finally brought the right people into our path to make this a reality. In order to do this though we need financial support. We already have stations in Columbus and possibly even in Arizona that might be willing to take on part or all of our weekly 2 hour radio show, Do Not Keep Silent. In order to make this a reality though we need funds. We need people that are willing to support this ministry with one time gifts and with monthly support as well. We are also open to and can have sponsors built into our program as well. If any of this interests you or you believe you are being prompted to donate to the ministry of Worldview Warriors you can do that at the YELLOW button on the bottom of the following link where it says, Donate to Worldview Warriors: We are a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization. So your end of the year gifts and any future gifts can be tax deductible if you so desire that option. If you would like to contact us with questions, comments or suggestions please write to us at You can also call us at 419-310-1949 After 7 years of Worldview Warriors being in existence and laying a solid foundation, the Worldview Warriors Team and I believe we are finally ready to build upon that foundation, "BRICK BY BRICK". Will you please join us in this incredible journey and season of Worldview Warriors? Please seriously consider becoming a part of this adventure with your prayers and financial support. Thank you. If you want to send in a financial gift via mail please send your gift to: Worldview Warriors
PO BOX 681
Findlay, OH 45839 Thanks again!
Starting in 2014 Bill Seng who has been a guest blog writer for Worldview Warriors over the past year will be joining us full time releasing a blog entry every Wednesday.
Bill is the second oldest of five brothers in his family. He hails from a competitive athletic background; he played football for seven years and wrestled for twenty years (including a year in college and four years of coaching). Despite his love for athletics, he left the field of competition to pursue ministry opportunities on the streets of Cleveland. After graduating from Cleveland State University, he pursued his love for ministry by enrolling as a student at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. He graduated with a Master’s of Divinity with a focus in Biblical Studies in 2010 and desires to use his relationship with Jesus and knowledge of the Bible to help people live their lives to the fullest.
He will be writing in story format and we are excited and pleased to release these every Wednesday morning starting on January 8, 2014.
Here is just a small taste of the first entry.
First day of class
By Bill Seng I showed up about fifteen minutes early. I am a stickler for being on time because, as far as I know, professors appreciate students who are not only punctual, but excited about learning. Showing up early proved that I wanted to be there and I wanted to learn. Of course being the first day of class it did not make that big of a difference because everybody shows up the first day. It is only after the first few weeks that the professors start to learn about who really cares about class and who does not. Being a single guy, of course, I made sure to get a good seat…meaning that I found the most attractive girl in the room who was not already talking to someone to sit next to during the lecture. And I must say, mission accomplished. I sat down next to an athletic young lady who just happened to make it back from practice just in time for class. After unpacking my books and everything, I introduced myself. “Hi, my name is Ryan.” She replied, “Isn’t this place awful?” “Um,” I hesitated, “I suppose it isn’t too bad, but it could use some work I suppose.” “Yeah, a little.” Not too encouraging of a reply. “So, what’s your name?” I was desperately trying to save the conversation and my chances. “My name’s Megan.” I’m sorry, I just got out of soccer practice and I’m a little bit cranky. “No problem, I understand.” I said with grace in my voice and a smile on my face. From that point on the conversation was not too bad. We became acquainted with one another and rode out the fifteen minutes before class, anticipating a boring first day lecture. Finally, our professor walked in and we all hushed. He was your typical science type, that is, for university standards. He had long grayish white hair tied back behind his hair, wrinkles in his forehead from looking into the microscope frequently, business casual clothing, bottomed out with a pair sandals to preserve an attempted neo-hippie sort of image. “Welcome class. I am Dr. Derkins. This is Biology 101, if you are in the wrong classroom please feel free to leave whenever you feel necessary, or finally start listening.” First ten minutes was standard: Syllabus, grading scale, expectations – you know the routine. Then he transitioned into our first lesson. “As I said, this is Biology 101. There are many crazy ideas about what Biology is, so I don’t want any of you to be confused, otherwise you might fall behind in this class. I want to make you all aware of a group of people that, if you buy into their teachings, will greatly stunt your growth as scientists. We’ll just call them “nutty-creationists.” More to come starting in 2014!
By Bill Seng I showed up about fifteen minutes early. I am a stickler for being on time because, as far as I know, professors appreciate students who are not only punctual, but excited about learning. Showing up early proved that I wanted to be there and I wanted to learn. Of course being the first day of class it did not make that big of a difference because everybody shows up the first day. It is only after the first few weeks that the professors start to learn about who really cares about class and who does not. Being a single guy, of course, I made sure to get a good seat…meaning that I found the most attractive girl in the room who was not already talking to someone to sit next to during the lecture. And I must say, mission accomplished. I sat down next to an athletic young lady who just happened to make it back from practice just in time for class. After unpacking my books and everything, I introduced myself. “Hi, my name is Ryan.” She replied, “Isn’t this place awful?” “Um,” I hesitated, “I suppose it isn’t too bad, but it could use some work I suppose.” “Yeah, a little.” Not too encouraging of a reply. “So, what’s your name?” I was desperately trying to save the conversation and my chances. “My name’s Megan.” I’m sorry, I just got out of soccer practice and I’m a little bit cranky. “No problem, I understand.” I said with grace in my voice and a smile on my face. From that point on the conversation was not too bad. We became acquainted with one another and rode out the fifteen minutes before class, anticipating a boring first day lecture. Finally, our professor walked in and we all hushed. He was your typical science type, that is, for university standards. He had long grayish white hair tied back behind his hair, wrinkles in his forehead from looking into the microscope frequently, business casual clothing, bottomed out with a pair sandals to preserve an attempted neo-hippie sort of image. “Welcome class. I am Dr. Derkins. This is Biology 101, if you are in the wrong classroom please feel free to leave whenever you feel necessary, or finally start listening.” First ten minutes was standard: Syllabus, grading scale, expectations – you know the routine. Then he transitioned into our first lesson. “As I said, this is Biology 101. There are many crazy ideas about what Biology is, so I don’t want any of you to be confused, otherwise you might fall behind in this class. I want to make you all aware of a group of people that, if you buy into their teachings, will greatly stunt your growth as scientists. We’ll just call them “nutty-creationists.” More to come starting in 2014!
The universe began to exist.
Therefore, the universe must have a cause.
The cause in this case is the Creator, since nothing else could have caused the universe to come into existence out of absolutely nothing. But, naturally, there are also opponents to the ex nihilo view of creation. One opposing view is that it’s impossible for us to conceive of absolute nothingness, so this view doesn’t make sense to us. My response to that would be that I don’t want to believe in a God I can understand, or He wouldn’t be the almighty God! Another opposition is that we have no evidence that our universe originally came into being from absolutely nothing. But, I would counter that we also have no evidence that our universe came into being from something; basically, we have no physical evidence one way or the other, and either position has to be taken on faith. One more opposition is that if God once had the power to create from absolutely nothing, God essentially retains that power. But a God of love with this capacity appears at fault for failing to prevent evil. My response to that is that God loves us enough that He allowed us the free will to turn against Him and sin, thus bringing evil into the world. If we didn’t have free will, then we could not make the choice to love or deny God, and our love to Him would be meaningless. Even though evil did come into the world through mankind’s sin, God loves us so much that He gave us a way out through His son Jesus, who died and was raised to live again! All we need to do is believe in Him, and after this life we will experience one where there is absolutely no evil. There are many other arguments both for and against the idea of ex nihilo creation, and I would encourage you to wrestle through them on your own. What do you believe about how our world came to be? Did God create it ex nihilo, out of nothing, or did He start with something and work from there? Seek out the Truth on this subject, wherever that may lead you.