Moving Forward

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Tuesday, January 8, 2019 0 comments

by Jason DeZurik

If you have been a supporter or follower of the ministry of Worldview Warriors in the past, I would like to thank you for all of the support and trust you have in us. I so appreciate it.

Today, I want to address a question we have received in the past from many of you about the direction of Worldview Warriors in encouraging and equipping the saints to impact this generation. Our primary focus is still 14- to 24-year-old students. As I have shared, we realize that our ministry is to parents and grandparents of these students as well.

Attempting to equip students is great, but if in the process of equipping students to impact this generation for Jesus Christ we lose their parents and grandparents in the process, then really how effective was this effort? We ask this question because God has set into place the family unit as one man and one woman to raise up their own children to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and to live out God’s wonderful ways in the real world.

So, with that in mind, we are going to continue to do what we have been doing, and we also are getting into the publishing world this year. Believe it or not, not everyone is not on the internet. Though we do have a very strong online presence, we have chosen to start publishing books to hopefully expand our presence even more, to continue equipping not only students but their parents and grandparents as well.

The following are three books that are scheduled to be released on Monday, January 28, 2019.

Our first book is What The Bible Says About… by Katie Erickson. Have you ever wondered what the Bible says on a certain topic? Wonder no more! This book contains Bible passages and explanations on what the Bible says regarding more than 50 different topics! Some topics include what the Bible says about heaven, hell, addictions, miracles, authority, and more. Each topic’s discussion is laid out in a systematic manner, including some personal stories and examples from the author. Be encouraged to dig into God’s Word more as you find out what the Bible says on all these topics.

Our second book is Biblical Foundations by C.A. Wolcott, known to our regular readers as Charlie. What is Christianity? What does it mean to be a Christian? How can we live out this faith in practical ways in our everyday lives? Why should we believe or follow Christianity? What makes Christianity true? Through these 60 studies, C.A. Wolcott answers these questions from various angles, giving solid reasons why we can trust the Bible, why Christianity is indeed the only true religion, and how we can live out this life beyond religious church services.

Lastly, but not least, our third book is Heroes of the Faith by Logan Ames. “I AM who I AM.” That is the name by which God identified himself to Moses when he spoke through a burning bush. Can we take part in some of the extraordinary things that God is doing in the world today just like those men and women did during their days? You better believe it! As you read about these heroes, you will find strength and hope that you too can be part of the miraculous work of God even when the odds seem insurmountable.

These three resources will be available on our website, and you can like our Worldview Warriors Publishing Facebook page for all the news on these books as well. We are excited to see where God leads in this new endeavor.

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