Empty Me of Me

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Sunday, June 4, 2017 0 comments

by Ami Samuels

I wanted to share with you a prayer that I pray often:
Empty me of me
Fill me up with you, Lord
Full to overflowing
So that ALL that I say and ALL that I do
Glorifies you!

On several occasions, I have taken the time to break it down like this:
Empty me of my sin, anger, doubt, pride, worry, insecurities, fear
Fill me up with you, God: your wisdom, love, forgiveness, grace, joy, and hope
Full to overflowing with you
So that all that I say, write, and do brings glory to you!

I would like to encourage you to write out this prayer and take time to quietly evaluate each phrase and apply it to your life.

Empty me of me
Fill me up with you full to overflowing
So that all that I say and all that I do
Glorifies you!

Join me as we empty ourselves of our wants, our needs, and our desires, and place our focus on God and being filled with him daily, full to overflowing.

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