by Ami Samuels
In a recent conversation with one of my sons, he was sharing that he wanted to be a consistent Christian, not a “conditional Christian.” His example was that he was more willing to drive right at the speed limit if he saw a cop car up ahead, immediately slowing down to the correct speed limit. He went on to say that this is sort of like how we behave if the pastor is in our living room, or you are with Christian friends.
He made some valid points, so don’t act like he is the only one who thinks or acts this way.
It made me examine my own life. Are there areas that I am being a conditional Christian instead of a consistent Christian? Am I living out my Christian values on a daily basis, or am I conditionally behaving that way in certain situations? As I truthfully considered these questions, I realized that I am better than I used to be, but I still have some work to do.
Other people are watching our example. Do they see us consistently behaving in a Christian manner? Or do they see us with conditional responses, depending on who we are with?
I’m not saying that consistent Christians are perfect; no one is. Rather, we should consistently reflect Jesus in our day to day lives, not being perfect but being consistent.
Truthfully examine your life. Are there areas that you are being a conditional Christian instead of a consistent one? Let’s make the changes necessary to consistently reflect Jesus in all situations.
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