A God-Given Responsibility

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Tuesday, September 24, 2024 0 comments

by Jason DeZurik

Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
- Psalm 34:14

As parents, we only have so much time with the children who God has given to us. Children are a blessing from God, and it’s high time those of us who are parents and Christians to take this opportunity and responsibility in a much more serious way than many of us have in the recent past.

I believe it is time for those of us in the church who are a part of what is called Gen X, and even those who are older, to stop pointing fingers at those who are younger than us as the problem. We need to realize that perhaps many of them are “The Problem” that so many of the older generations speak of because many of us allowed our children to learn and live in the ways of the world and not grab onto the Christian faith as their own.

For instance, why get upset at them when your child learned at a young age that playing a sport or doing some extracurricular activity on a Sunday morning or on a Wednesday night was more important than going to meet with believers of Jesus Christ in teaching and fellowship? Don’t put the blame on them; take a good look in the mirror. Own your part in their decision to go the world’s way and not God’s way.

I believe it is time to own our part in the younger generation’s tripping up and not living out good, Godly ways. I believe it is time to own the fact that these children may have, in fact, been taught not in the ways of the God of the Bible but in the ways of the world. Why should we be surprised and upset that they have turned out to be “Romans” when many of them have attended the schools of the “Romans” (government-run schools).

I believe we need to set the example of what true humility looks like. I believe it is time for parents and grandparents to own our sin in this area. We need to confess it and ask for forgiveness from God, our children, and quite possibly even from our husband or wife. We need to repent and move on to living out good, Godly ways in all we do. It’s time to own it. By taking it “on the chin” and setting this loving example, we may be dragged through the mud and be called many names, but I genuinely believe that someone needs to lead the way.

So, why not our generation? Why not we Christians?

My wife and I are far from perfect. I can tell you that for my family and me, by becoming vulnerable with my wife and children and accepting responsibility for my part in where difficulty and hurt may have happened, healing can begin. Now, I am not in the least encouraging anyone to accept someone else’s sin as your own. I am encouraging you to own up to your sin and accept the reality of how you may have been sinful. The one you’re speaking and confessing to then has the opportunity to forgive you and, if needed, an open door to admit wrong and sin to you as well. You can then have an open opportunity to forgive them.

Communication is incredibly important. Where there is a lack of communication, negativity fills up that space. If the person you are confessing to won’t forgive or receive your open and honest confession, that is now on them. You cannot force someone to forgive, so please do not anticipate what they are going to say or do in this circumstance. Just allow the Holy Spirit to do what the Holy Spirit can do. Give up control and then surrender to Almighty God.

I cannot tell you that it will be perfect and go how you want. What I can tell you is that Romans 8:28 tells us that God works all things together for the good for those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose. Surrender and let God be God. You are His creation.

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