The Grand Canyon 6: Why It Matters

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Friday, July 30, 2021 0 comments

by Charlie Wolcott

This ministry is called Worldview Warriors. Our goal and our vision are to train and equip this generation to know and understand the Biblical worldview and be ready to stand upon it when the world comes with its challenges. So why did I spend the last five weeks writing about a personal trip? The answer is simple: because the Grand Canyon has been a weapon used in the hands of secular “scientists” to dismantle and destroy the faith of millions of people. It is not proper scientists that the Grand Canyon refers to in order to teach the 6 million+ visitors each year about how the canyon formed. It is the priests of the pagan religion of secular/natural humanism. If they were actual scientists being referenced, they would be open and considering of the different ideas of how it all formed, and they would not be so set against any model that resembled Noah’s Flood. Russ Miller, one of our speakers, teaches that the Grand Canyon is one of the pillars of the secular/humanistic religion because of how well it “shows” the long ages of the past. Yet, when actual Bible-believing scientists finally got on their feet to give an answer to these false teachings, they began making waves and the secularists and old earthers in the churches are threatened by this.

Russ Miller often states that he is blocked by 90% of churches from being able to present information that has a history of piercing through the fog of millions of years and would equip the churches to teach their children to be able to stand on the Word of God. Yet, because of tares sown among the churches, usually in the form of a pastor, elder, deacon, or a big tither, if a pastor were to bring Miller to his church to present, it would offend these old earthers and create division. But I will stand with Miller and state that the ones causing division are not those who present the truth firmly and adamantly, but those who bring in another gospel. When taken to its full logical conclusion, Old Earth Creation models are a different gospel, with a different creator and as a result a different “Jesus.” There are authentic born-again believers who are old-earthers, but they are not consistent with it and most don’t actually believe it. They have little choice because they haven’t heard the other side of the story. The old earthers love to cite Proverbs 18:17 to try to counter the young earth creationist claims, but they never like having this verse used on them because it always exposes their teachings as false teachings.

What make origins so important? Don’t you just have to believe in Jesus, that He died for your sins and rose from the dead for you to be saved? Well, why do you need to be saved? What are being saved from? What are you being saved to? What does salvation even mean? If this debate was ONLY about the age of the earth, the old earthers would have a point that it is a secondary issue. However, it’s not about the age of the earth. It’s actually about Adam and sin. It’s about what Adam’s sin did and when death entered the world. In every old earth model, there is death before sin, and that is a fatal, damnable heresy. If death (of any kind) preceded sin, then death cannot be the penalty for sin. If the world prior to Adam has operated precisely as we observe today, then we have a creation that started out cursed. There is an origins model that has this as a principal teaching: the Gnostics’ teaching that the Demiurge created with the corrupted “essence” of the “True God.”

When I point this out, I have old-earthers go ballistic over it, and they will argue anything and everything EXCEPT this point I’m making. There is one I confronted by showing him how his geologic models show human death prior to Adam, and he questioned everything from the interpretation of Scripture to whether the fossils were human or not, everything except the dating methods. His response when I pointed this out was, “I just have to figure out the theology.” In Old Earth theology, notice this: “modern science” is “god” and “Divine Scripture” is “a matter of interpretation.” While some individuals do not believe this, this is the practice of the majority of them. Keep them talking and they’ll prove and even admit it.

I love how Russ Miller puts the issue so simply and succinctly. The secular community seeks to destroy the faith of unsuspecting youth by teaching them of long ages that put death before Adam and sin, which separates us from God and calls for a Savior in Jesus Christ. This is the summary of his book COST which I got to help edit and critique for its current edition. There are countless people in churches who have bought into these lies and instead of seeking the truth, they seek to block the truth from being spoken. The battle over origins is not about the age of the earth, but about all that comes with it. It is over the principal problem for mankind: when sin and death entered the world. It is about the problem for which Jesus is the solution. When one rejects the problem from being a problem, then why would one proudly boast about the solution from said problem? One fruit of Old Earth teachings is found in the Progressive Christianity movement (formerly Emergent Church) where there is hot debate about the problem of evil and why Jesus had to die. Now, not all old earthers are Progressive Christians, but all Progressive Christians are Old Earthers. Rob Bell and Brian McLaren both question the necessity of the virgin birth as they question the age of the earth and as they question the doctrines of hell and morality. They aren’t the only ones.

Origins has been the primary frontal attack on the authority and integrity of Scripture for the last 200 years. For the first 100 of those years, the Church was in such shock that they didn’t know how to respond and instead they caved on Scripture. They waived the white flag, and the moment the Church in general surrendered on origins to these predominately non-scientific and most certainly non-Christian Deists out of the Enlightenment, it lost the authority to speak on many different issues. The Bible was regulated to just being a religious book for the Christian religious, and not a book by which all man was expected to live. It didn’t take long in Europe for societies to start collapsing. It took the U.S. much longer to surrender its roots, but after about 100 years of teaching old earth ideas in the churches, the U.S. gave up the Bible entirely by removing prayer and the Bible from the public square in 1962-1963.

But God was ready to answer that and raised up men like Henry Morris and John Whitcomb to reclaim the Bible as the authority, not just in the church but also the nation, by answering the very place where it was surrendered: at origins. For many in churches, it’s brought revival back and currently with people like Russ Miller, we are rescuing people who were raised in churches, brainwashed by Marxist Evolutionists, and now have come back to the truth. But there are many churches who will not have it. I would question if the large percentage of those churches even qualify as being a church under God but are rather no more than a Sunday social club — a synagogue of Satan. Jesus is coming for a pure and spotless bride, and that includes on issues like origins. I, for one, want to be ready when He comes, and I will teach others to be ready for that, too. The origins debate is not just about origins; it’s about the Gospel. It’s about the correct worldview. It’s about the correct authority. Get those wrong, and you might have EVERYTHING wrong.

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