Don’t Hit Snooze

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Friday, April 9, 2021 5 comments

by Charlie Wolcott

For many people, the most difficult part of the day is actually waking up. Countless people have to set alarm clocks because if turned loose, they will sleep in till the PM hours. And they have to set up strategies to force themselves to get out of bed, because of that faithful and dreaded “snooze” button. They set up multiple alarms. They set the alarm to be out of reach from bed, or in some people’s cases, they turn the dog loose.

Perhaps the most annoying thing to a sleeping person is an alarm. A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a friend over Facebook, and we were talking about being ready for the coming of Christ and this statement just came out: “Sleeping people don’t like alarms.” It was not planned. I had not pulled that from a sermon or video or book. That statement just came out and my friend and I both went: “That’s worth quoting,” hence this blog post.

The church is sleeping. Jesus warned of such falling asleep. The parable of the ten virgins involves the church waiting for the coming of the bridegroom and He delays. They fall asleep. The wise ones were prepared for a delayed coming. The foolish ones were not ready. They were woken suddenly and weren’t ready when the Bridegroom came. Jesus also warned of a “great falling away.” Jesus didn’t mince words when He bemoaned that if when He returned would anyone be found believing Him. There are a lot of talk from the “Word of Faith” people that there’s going to be a “third Great Awakening.” These same people spent all of 2020 full of confidence and all of them proven fraud. They all claimed to “speak with God on a daily basis” and none of them had a clue about COVID and then they butchered the election badly (if you want to know specifics listen to this 4 ½ hour video by Justin Peters exposing it all). But there are others who actually are in tune to what God is saying because they aren’t “having dreams” but are in Scripture. I’ve been warning for 2-3 years about persecution coming. From November last year into mid-February, I did an in-depth study of Jeremiah, posting devotionals daily to my Facebook wall and every place I read. I didn’t just see ancient Judah in serious trouble, but I saw the U.S. in the same trouble. The difference is that the U.S. has no promise of restoration.

It does not take a “special revelation” to know that the U.S. is in serious trouble. It only takes knowing history and knowing God. I recently finished a series of posts about idolatry and how the Ten Commandments are broken via the practices of idolatry. I also went through how the U.S. is complicit in violating each Commandment nationally. And to be frank, I’m late to the party. People have been saying this for years. Christians have been saying, “Hey, this is NOT where we want to be going.” I remember 6-7 years ago when homosexual marriage was being formally approved that pedophilia would be right on its heels. I had quite a few people jump on my case and say that would never happen. Look at today; I wasn’t wrong. Again, I’m not boasting about myself; I’m only saying what everyone else has access to. I’m just connecting the dots, but numerous people are saying the same thing and I can tell which ones are in the Word and which ones aren’t.

Every society has watchmen. They are the ones who are supposed to be guarding society. For 2000 years that job has fallen to the church, but in this one generation (mine), the church has abdicated its roll, with only a few voices remaining doing the job. I don’t believe we at Worldview Warriors set out to carry out this calling intentionally, but we’ve certainly been put in position to carry out that roll along with training and equipping believers. When I completed the Cadre course through the Creation Truth Foundation, I was commissioned to go defend the faith, and I have done that. But with that means I have to guard the sheep pen and warn those who will listen of the dangers out there of the pitfalls of the false teachings and to prepare people for the judgment coming. I have been sounding an alarm. I know Jason DeZurik has been sounding an alarm. Chad Koons is sounding an alarm. The danger is no longer coming. It’s already here and it’s already inside the walls.

I started out with alarm clocks. The “visible church” is still sleeping. Most don’t want to hear messages of judgment and danger. They are comfortable as they are, and they actually think they are safe. The last thing they want to hear is some “preacher” saying “Awake! Awake! Put on strength!” Isaiah said that. We need to WAKE UP! If you have children, WAKE UP! If you aren’t actively training them and equipping them to face very dark times, you are doing them a great disservice. But instead of listening to the alarm that the enemy is in the gates, most are trying to hit snooze and go back to sleep. And while they do this, the enemy is ransacking their homes. What’s worse is these people are blaming the watchmen for sounding the alarm, not the enemy for attacking them? They want us to be “more loving” and “more gentle.” Let me say this: the method no longer matters. The enemy is within the walls, and it’s only a matter of time now before the war directly hits your home. If you aren’t already in battle attire and fighting when that happens, you’re dead. You will be passed over. WAKE UP!

Now because some have found out that the Trojan Horse has been in the gates and it’s nighttime, they are sounding the alarm. And when people like me and those of us at Worldview Warriors and others who are speaking out, saying “Hey, watch out!” they are going to come after us first. The sleeping ones aren’t the threat. They are easy prey, easy to control. The end result is still the same: death. Jeremiah repeatedly sounded the alarm. The people refused to hear it. Jehoiakim burned Jeremiah’s scroll warning about what would happen. He died only a few years later. His brother Zedekiah knew Jeremiah had the truth, but he was so afraid of his own people that he couldn’t follow through and obey the Word. As a result, he watched his children get slaughtered before him just before his own eyes were gouged out and he was carried off to Babylon in chains. If you think you can sleep through this and the enemy will leave you alone, you are sadly mistaken.

God has been sounding the alarm. Those who refuse to heed God’s watchmen will suffer the consequences for not heeding them. God’s hand is back upon this nation and it’s not for blessing. It’s for judgment. It is going to get VERY rough around here. But I’m looking forward to it. Why? Because God is finally going to get rid of false teachings and sins that have so hindered us and will prepare us for His return. We had best wake up so we can be ready for that day. Don’t hit snooze. I’ll say it again, don’t hit snooze!

I am becoming increasingly convinced that my generation will not live to see freedom for the Christian in America again, and I am expecting to face prison time in the not very distant future for no other reason than being a Christian. Are we ready for that? I was recently reminded of a panel that Paul Washer was part of (Todd Friel posted the audio here). Six years ago, he warned about this too. And he said that in the days of the Apostles, they weren’t persecuted as Christians. They were persecuted as fools, dangers to the state, uneducated, troublemakers, rioters, violent, and disturbers of the peace. Everything that someone else did, the Christian was blamed for it (look at the January 6 riot at Capitol Hill. Bill Maher blamed the Christians for it.) There are no more warnings of coming danger. There is only now the alarm that the danger is here, for as long as that alarm is allowed to sound. WAKE UP!

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Amanda Ogletree said...

This is fantastic! I have been called to sound the alarm as well, and it is both scary and exciting. Not scary without hope or in a fearful manner, but just knowing when God uses us in this manner, we will face persecution. You guys strengthen me when I have found myself nervous about posting a video or blog post that goes against everything we are told we "should be." Thank you for staying faithful and for your boldness in Christ's calling on your lives.

Bill said...

God has graciously sent revivals to America at every critical point in our history. From the Great Awakening to a series of regional revivals from 1769-1788, to the Second Great Awakening that Christianized America and lasted nearly 40 years, through many intermitted revivals in the mid-1800s, to the Pentecostal revival in Azusa Street that spread to the world. After the terrible decade of the 1920s, God sent a plaque on America that led America back to God. There were many revivals in the 1960s. The Jesus Movement is the most remembered. I like the Asbury revival. Let us not forget the Charismatic renewal movement, the Third Wave Movement, and a host of other revivals that have happened since 2000. No other country has had more revival and a more close encounter with God than America. Each revival turned America at a very critical time.
Why? God has used America for his purposes. No other country has done more for world evangelization or nation building. No other country in the West has a spiritual foundation like America. No other western country has higher levels of church attendance. Even though 50% of America has rejected God, a large portion had not bowed the knee to Ba’al. Will God destroy the righteous with the unrighteous? How did God answer Abraham? Based on his word, I have hope that God will not turn his back on the faithful church in America in order to punish the sinners who are perverting our culture.
This author thinks that the end times are upon us and that God will not send another revival. He does not know that because the Bible and special revelation have not said that to him. In the past, many people like him have said that the end times were upon them. All of them were wrong. Yet, Charlie Wolcott rejects the notion of another great awakening because he feels that it is too late for America. He has read the Bible. He knows that the end is here. If we were to look at all the things that Jesus would say must happen first, we might not come to his conclusion. Or, we might not be too certain. This could be the end times. Or, this could be the preparation for a huge revival.
I have not received direct revelation about a third awakening. However, I am praying for it and working to that end. It's not time for the church to flee into the ark and hide. It is time for us to get out into the world and do those things that make for revival.

Charlie said...

Hello, Bill, thanks for reading.
Do not hear what I am not saying. I too would love for God to restore and revive this country. But I also note that the same people saying there is going to be revival this time...are the same ones who got everything in 2020 wrong. I am not calling call for anyone to "feel and hide". Nor I am saying "This is the End Times". I am saying this country has crossed the line where revival will not happen WITHOUT intense persecution first. I am saying the prophets of our time now are the same as in Jeremiah's time saying "Peace, peace" where there is no peace. God most certainly has used revival for his purposes. Do not think he will not use judgment for his purposes either. The US is not Israel. We don't have the same promises. Yes, God will not punish the church...but the church is dire need of cleansing and the church has refused to do it, so God is going to. When only 6% of this nation has a Biblical worldview (official polls from this year), I find that 50% number to be just those in church attendance and the extreme majority of those churches do not teach Biblical Christianity. Not all of those revivals are revivals. I look at Toronto and Pensacola and I don't see a Christian revival but demonic counterfeits. I would love to see genuine revival. But I don't see it happening on this side of fierce persecution to clean the church in America of the heresies it has approved and spread out. Call it "doom and gloom" if you insist. But as in Jeremiah's time...God's not coming to our "rescue" this time. The United States will fall. That is promised. Don't hold onto it too tightly.

Bill said...

Why are you so judgmental of other Christ-followers? Furthermore, why are you so opinionated and certain about what God must do in this age. Even though you don’t claim to be a prophet, you still speak for God and tell us what will happen based on your personal interpretation of scripture.
Let me remind you that every person who has said that the end times were upon us was wrong. That includes dispensationalists, Millerites, and NT believers. You could add Paul, the author of the Johannine epistles, and the apostolic company to that list because they all expected the end times and quick return of Christ.
If the history of revival in America teaches us anything, it tells us that your conclusions may be premature. In many other times, America turned from God. Before the Second Great Awakening, about 2% of the population went to church. Even with the evil of slavery, Free Masonry, national Deism, and the massacres of the Native Americans, a gracious God still reached down to an erring America and revealed his grace time and time again. Listen to what God said to Jonah. God wants revival more than he wants judgment.
Finally, be careful that you do not hold up yourself and what you believe to be the paragon of what is pure and true. When speaking of the immediate future, you are merely an imperfect interpreter of what you think scripture says. Timetables are tricky. After a lifetime of preaching, teaching, writing academic books, and leading masses to the throne of grace, I would never speak with the bold absurdity with which you speak about other Christians and the near future of America. If you are wrong, will you list yourself in the same category as those who wrongly believed that Trump would be reelected?
In the Bible, the preachers of doom were people who had direct revelation from God regarding an immediate situation. It was specific and clear. Based on revelation, when the end comes there will be persecution and a falling away, families will be divided, wars will happen, natural disasters will startle everyone, the evil one will amaze the world with lying signs and wonders, the heavens will show forth portents, the love of many will grow cold, and Christ will reveal himself at the Second Coming. At that time, the faithful righteous will be saved.
Unless you are a modern prophet, this is all we know. Yes, we watch the signs and keep our eyes on the fig tree. Many argue that Israel is the fig tree. Based on what has happened with Israel, we can assume that God is fulfilling end time prophecy in our time. However, we don’t know where we are on that timetable. I’m fine with that. In the meantime, let’s work for revival and seek to save as many people as we can while we can.

Charlie said...

Wow, Bill. Wow. You totally missed what I'm saying. What if I'm wrong? What happens? We keep going on. I'm not living in fear. I'm not packing my things and selling all my stuff and doing a last fling as the Millerites did. All I am saying is "get ready for persecution". I'm not even talking about "End Times". I'm talking "the days of American Christian freedom is ending". It happened in Rome, in the Middle Eastern countries, in China, in East Europe. What makes you think the US will escape persecution...considering the Bible said it will happen? Let me ask you this. What if YOU are wrong...and you are praying and hoping for revival...and you get 3 generations of fierce persecution that outlasts your children? Are you read for it?

I don't claim to be a prophet nor so I claim to speak for God...but mark my words...I'm not the only God-fearer who senses it. It's not a private revelation. I'm LATE to the party. Yes, I'm hopeful that God will grant us mercy. But take note in Judges 10 that when the people cried out for mercy, God said "You keep turning to your own gods. Go ask them for help." God did come through...but not after intense hardship. Yes, God desires mercy over judgment, but that mercy has limits. He will not content with man forever. I look at the status of the church right now, and the church in general has been totally unwilling to clean itself up. You want revival? Are you willing to pay the price for it? Do you even know what it will cost you for revival? I'll give you a hint: You can't keep living your life as is if you want it.