The Gift of Life

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Saturday, December 15, 2018 0 comments

by Jason DeZurik

Ministry Note: If you’d like Jason and his wife Jaya to come and speak to your congregation about this incredible story, please contact us at

On December 12, 2017 I awoke sick and feeling really terrible. That evening I had thrown up at least 10 times and was not feeling any better the next morning.

The next couple of days are still a blur. On Friday December 15, 2017, I was still sick and my wife was wondering what to do. Should she take me into the doctor, or wait another day to see if I improved? That night was much of the same, and I was not improving. My oldest son asked my wife, “What are we going to do about Dad?” She told him that she was going to wait until the morning to take me into the doctor. He said, “We’re not waiting. We’re taking him in now.” So, they took me to the ER in the small town we live near. Now I don’t remember any of this, but according to my wife the ER was completely empty that night. I was the only one that was needing treatment.

They took me in for testing immediately and as my wife and son were waiting for me to come back, my wife told my son that I probably just needed fluids put into me as I was just dehydrated and probably just had the flu. Well, no sooner had she said this but the ER doctor came in and told them that I had a life threatening stroke and that they needed to be prepared that I might not make it through the night. I was life flighted to Riverside Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. There, my wife was told by the neurosurgeon that I needed lifesaving brain surgery. He usually needed permission to do this, but he needed to save my life, so he wasn’t asking for her permission to do the surgery. The surgery was performed and no one knew what was going to happen following the surgery.

When I awoke, I was very groggy but could move both of my arms and both my legs. Since I had a breathing tube down my throat I could not speak, but I could communicate by writing, even using punctuation. All the doctors and nurses were utterly amazed at my recovery. They wouldn’t say my recovery was a miracle, but they would use terms like “remarkable” and “incredible.”

Before being discharged 10 days later, one nurse did lean over and spoke quietly into my ear, “You do know that you are a miracle, right?” Then I went home. Even for follow up appointments the nurses, doctors, and therapists were amazed at my recovery. At one of my appointments, when the nurse called my name to come into the office, she did a double take on her chart when I got up and started walking toward her. She looked and me and said, “I thought you’d be in a wheelchair.” Then she asked me, “What nursing home are you rehabbing in?” I told her, “Home.” She was shocked verbally and visually!

One year ago today is the day I had my life threatening stroke and brain surgery the next day. Yes, part of my brain is missing. I have a 5-inch scar on the back of my neck and head to prove it. If you ever doubt that we serve an amazing God, please remember this story. God is absolutely still in the healing business today and in the miracle business too. He not only has given us the knowledge and technology to do all these incredible things today, but He is also still in charge of giving life or taking it away.

Since this whole ordeal, I see things in this world differently now. I am much more thankful and grateful for what God has given to me, and I try to complain a whole lot less than I did before. I also want to thank all of you who were there for my family and me during that time with all of your prayers and financial gifts. I am seriously humbled at how much God has given to my family and me. To have good friends, like so many of you reading this right now, is just a blessing.

For months my wife and I prayed and wrestled with God if we should continue down this path of Worldview Warriors, encouraging and equipping the saints for ministry, or if it was time to be done and pass on the baton to someone else. Well, I am pleased to announce that we have been called to stay the course. I have kept hearing God’s leading to us saying that we have been raised for such a time as this. We know God saved my life to continue down this Worldview Warriors path to not only show people the truth in love but to encourage and equip others to do the same. So, with that said I would like to ask you to please pray for us and prayerfully consider giving Worldview Warriors a year-end financial gift here to help us stay the course in doing God’s will.

Thank you for your prayers and consideration.

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