My mother-in-law shared these with me years ago and I just found them. With Valentines Day coming up, I hope they encourage you to be a better husband.
For those of you not married yet, I hope they help you to get focused on how you should treat your future wife. I also hope that they help you to realize you should honor the woman you are dating no matter what (because she may be someone else's wife someday). Treat her with honor and respect. You would want that for your own wife, wouldn't you?
In fact, maybe it would be a good idea to trust God to bring the right woman into your life anyway and wait for her.
Enjoy. "The 10 Commandments for Women" will be posted next week.
- Remember that your wife is your partner and not your property.
- Don’t expect your wife to be your wife and wage-earner at the same time.
- Think not that your business is none of your wife’s business.
- You shall hold your wife’s love by the same measure that you won it.
- You shall make the building of your house your first business.
- You shall cooperate with your wife in establishing family discipline.
- You shall enter into your house with cheerfulness.
- You shall not let anyone criticize your wife to your face and get away with it (neither your father, mother, brothers, sisters, nor any relative).
- You shall not take your wife for granted.
- Remember to keep your home to keep it holy.
by Henry W. Mack
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