- Honor your womanhood that your days may be long in the house which your husband has provided for you.
- Expect not your husband to give you as many luxuries as your father has after many years of hard labors and economies.
- Forget not the virtue of good humor, for verily all that a man has will he give for a woman’s smile.
- You shall not nag.
- Remember the frank approval of your husband is worth more to you than the sidelong glances of many strangers.
- You shall coddle your husband, for verily every man loves to be fussed over.
- Forget not the grace of cleanliness and good dressing.
- Permit no one to assure you that you are having a hard time of it: Neither your mother, nor your sister, maiden aunt, nor any of your relatives; for the judge will not hold her guiltless that lets another disparage her husband.
- Keep your home with all diligence, for out of it comes the joys of your old age.
- Commit your ways unto the Lord, and your children shall rise up and call you blessed.
by Henry W. Mack
Nagging... what's nagging. I prefer to call it the to do list! ha
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