Through my travels around the country, I am blessed to meet so many wonderful, caring people who are not afraid to serve God. I also meet many people who call themselves Christians, yet I can’t help but wonder, “Are they really?”
I write this not to judge but to get us to think about and examine ourselves. Let me explain. I believe Jesus when He said in Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
In my travels, I have been exposed to a variety of churches with an even greater variety of styles. This is amazing to see how different we are yet worship the same Lord and Savior. I visited one church that host an annual gambling tournament! Yes, they are actually gambling in this church-sponsored event. I’ve spoken with a youth pastors who’ve struggled with their church holding events they don’t agree with but don’t know what they should do about the situation. Things like “outreach events”, which are actually alcoholic parties where people get drunk. These “outreaches” are even sponsored by the senior pastors.
Yet beyond these outrageous realities, here’s the kicker for me: Many pastors divorce or do not have their lives in order in other ways, yet the church does nothing about it. The congregants leave the pastor in his role of leadership (and call it grace), even though I Timothy 3 clearly states the life for which overseers and deacons should be striving. I will paraphrase it for you: Be the husband of but one wife, who manages his own family well and whose children obey Him with proper respect. This man must be self-controlled, not a drunk or lover of money. (See it all in 1 Timothy 3:1-13.) My point here is that Jesus said in Matthew 7 that the gate that leads to life is narrow. He also said that the path is narrow. Readers, this is a call to holiness.
How are you doing? Heck, how am I doing? Are you falling into the ways of the world, or are you taking the narrow path that leads to life? This is difficult to do, I understand. I often strive and fail in this area. However, the key is this: are you tapping into the Holy Spirit or yourself for strength? Are you tapping into knowledge or into your relationship with the King of the universe? The solution is not in us. It is in Christ. Pray and ask God today to lead and direct your path. Then listen for His voice and obey His direction. See what happens when you follow Christ with a reckless abandon. The adventure awaits!