The Enemy Fights Dirty

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Friday, November 8, 2024 0 comments

by Charlie Wolcott

One of the things I have learned about spiritual warfare and living in society is that the enemy plays dirty. The enemy of the soul plays a dirty game. Why? Not only because cheating helps him win, but he knows he cannot win a fair fight. His game is deception and subtlety. He was a liar from the beginning, and it is pure naivety to think he is going to play by the rules. He plays dirty, he cheats, he lies, he does not honor codes of ethics, and he has one agenda: to steal, to kill, and to destroy.

The enemy also is a brilliant strategist and plays the long game as well as the short one. He knows how to play generations as well as individuals in the moment. And there is one target he loves to get more than any other: children. As the lion goes after the weak, the slow, the old, and the young in the pack, not after the strong ones, so Satan goes after our weak ones. He targets the children, the wives, and the widows, and he uses the poor and defenseless to get easy prey. Ever notice how when the government and the media go after taxing the rich, they don’t actually go after the rich? The rich are either party with them or strong enough to stand in their way.

As an educator, one of the things I see in the system is the purpose and intention to get children to believe what the “elite” want them to believe as early as possible. Evolution is a classic example. Instead of letting kids actually figure out the science from the start, the idea of millions of years and the theory of evolution are thrown at toddlers through Sesame Street, Dinosaur Train, Dr. Seuss, and everything else. The details aren’t given until later, but at that point, the idea of “millions of years” has been so driven into us that we have a difficult time separating the Deep Time story from the actual evidence.

The tactics used to teach evolution are the same tactics that were used by Hitler to reach the youth of Germany and the same tactics used by Castro to reach the youth of Cuba. The pastor’s wife of my previous church was raised in Cuba, and she remembers being a six-year-old girl when the Communist takeover took place. The new teachers asked the children to pray to God for a piece of candy, and obviously, no candy showed up. They then had the kids pray to Castro for a piece of candy, and of course, while eyes were closed, a piece of candy was put on each desk. I should not need to further explain what was going on there. Hitler was well known for similar tactics. When a man approached Hitler and said he’d never support him, Hitler simply retorted, “You will pass away. I already have your children.” And he did. The “Hitler Youth” was not a mere propaganda piece but a political tool to eliminate opposition.

Another part of the tactic is to blame the opposition for what you are doing. I see this one everywhere, and it’s primarily used on Christians. Pro-evolutionists make a point and purpose of saying that Christians are indoctrinating their kids and needing echo chambers when they think we aren’t letting them have a voice (by that, they mean dominate it all and never give an account for what they do). Yet, who are the ones who need echo chambers and practice indoctrination? Around 90% of students go to public schools where they only hear about evolution, and 90% of churches and denominations are not teaching the Biblical side of creation; they teach the evolutionary side. So, who is actually indoctrinating, and who needs the echo chambers? Creationists actually tend to know the evolutionary side better than the evolutionists themselves. And the evolutionists, especially the “ex-Christian” types, can hardly get a thing we say right. Don’t fall for that.

But evolution is just the “gateway drug.” Flowing out of it has come the real heinous junk we are seeing today. Evolution is what has opened the door for certain people to deny that God actually did create people as “male” or “female;” because we evolved, we can be whomever we want to be. The whole gender identity crisis is targeting these youth and starting with preschool books. Yes, there are preschool books out there to start teaching these tiny kids about sexuality and to prepare them for receiving and engaging in such activities. Parents who get word about this are rightly outraged, and school board meetings are being regularly hounded by parents who are livid that these are being allowed in the school libraries. The books for middle school and older get much worse with pictures and very detailed pornographic descriptions of sexual activity engaged by kids as young as 10 or 11. The “system” has gotten so many kids away from their parents for so long through schools, sports, and other activities, though there’s nothing wrong with these individually. Both teachers and counselors are speaking to kids outside of the influence of the parents, telling kids NOT to tell the parents. This is why we are seeing these issues. School board members have been caught on a hot mic saying they don’t listen to any of the parents’ complaints.

Pornography is one of the deadliest “drugs,” and Satan is so crafty that he will get a toddler who looks at another naked baby as a seed to start planting deeper and darker sexual thoughts. With smartphones today, the moment a kid gets access to the internet, it will be a very short time before he or she is exposed to pornography for the first time. Just one look can start it, whether through exploring a web page, a link by a peer, or on social media. I read one story of a 10-year-old boy who was found watching porn on his phone by his mom. The kid said it started with exploring the web, and soon, naked men came up, and one thing led to another, and the kid was grieved that he could not get the images he saw out of his head. It starts young, and we need to be alert and ready to guard our kids from the start. Have those discussions with them, even at younger ages, about good stuff and bad stuff so they can learn to recognize, “Hey, that is wrong.” No amount of sheltering them will prevent their exposure, but if we can train them to reject it when they are, it will save them from a whole lot of peril.

Again, the enemy fights dirty, and one of the key tactics in all this is the removal or neutralization of the “father” of the home. When the Industrial Revolution shifted jobs away from the home and the farm to factories and white-collar businesses, it also removed the father from the home to raise the kids. Since they no longer lived on the farms where there were always things to do, the kids got bored, needing centralized school, and mom began to work as well, requiring daycare for the kids. As a result, parents are no longer actually raising their kids; the programs are.

The schools do not speak to Dad very often when dealing with kids but instead, they speak to Mom. This reminds me of the Garden, where the serpent bypassed Adam and went to Eve. Unless Dad is very active, involved, and intentional about raising his kids, the only thing he will be in the home is the money maker (which is good, however, he won’t be the active father). And the kids, needing a father figure, will go to where they can find one, be he a coach, a teacher, or find that role in a woman or in a gang. This is no knock on kids who legitimately don’t have a dad. However, in every institution God sets up, Satan sets up a counterfeit to usurp or replace. Instead of a father, there is school. Instead of a church, there are gangs and peers of grade/age level segregation. Instead of a proper nuclear family, there is anything that whoever wants to fulfill whatever lusts they want. And instead of a father for authority, there is either the mother or all their activities. Again, there is nothing wrong with extra-curriculars, but parents, you are responsible for running the home, not the kid and their schedule.

Remember, all these tactics, and I’m just giving a brief snapshot here, are to get at you and get at your kids. Satan desires to either destroy them, neutralize them, or recruit them to fight for darkness. We’ve been so accustomed to a comfortable lifestyle that few of us realize what kind of battle is going on, and we’ve essentially raised a white flag and gone into hiding rather than rise up and confront this. That is what we have done for the past couple of generations; the net is set and ready to be sprung. The fight that we have refused to fight as a whole generation would have been nothing if we stood up when we had the chance, compared to the battle we are about to fight if we want to get out of it.

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