2 Corinthians 7:13-16

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Monday, July 29, 2024 0 comments

by Katie Erickson

By all this we are encouraged. In addition to our own encouragement, we were especially delighted to see how happy Titus was, because his spirit has been refreshed by all of you. I had boasted to him about you, and you have not embarrassed me. But just as everything we said to you was true, so our boasting about you to Titus has proved to be true as well. And his affection for you is all the greater when he remembers that you were all obedient, receiving him with fear and trembling. I am glad I can have complete confidence in you.
- 2 Corinthians 7:13-16

In this short section of this letter to the first-century church at Corinth, Paul shares more about his relationship with Titus, and both Paul and Titus reflect on their feelings for that congregation.

In verse 13, Paul expresses his deep sense of encouragement. The "all this" refers to the positive response of the Corinthians to his previous “severe” letter, which had been filled with admonishments and corrections. Paul wrote about that response in the previous section of this letter. The Corinthians had responded well, showing repentance and a willingness to change, which greatly encouraged Paul.

In addition, Paul is not just encouraged by their repentance but he is also delighted by Titus’s happiness. Titus, who had been sent to Corinth to observe and report back on their behavior, returned with good news. His spirit was refreshed by the Corinthians, indicating their genuine repentance and positive reception. This highlights the reciprocal nature of Christian encouragement; Paul's joy is multiplied by Titus's joy, which in turn is a result of the Corinthians' actions.

In verse 14, Paul refers to his previous boasting about the Corinthians to Titus. Before sending Titus, Paul had spoken highly of the Corinthians, confident that they would respond positively to his letter and instructions. This verse highlights the trust and confidence Paul had in the Corinthians, despite the issues that had arisen.

Paul's confidence is rewarded; the Corinthians did not embarrass him or make his boasting seem unfounded. Instead, they lived up to the positive expectations he had set. This reinforces the idea that Paul's teachings and expectations were based on truth and a deep understanding of the Corinthians' potential for growth and repentance. It also underscores the importance of trust and positive reinforcement in leadership and mentorship within the Christian community.

Paul speaks to the increased affection Titus has for the Corinthians in verse 15. Titus’s love for them grows as he remembers their obedience and respectful reception. The phrase "with fear and trembling" indicates the profound respect and seriousness with which the Corinthians approached Titus and his mission.

This respect and obedience not only validated Paul's confidence in them but also endeared them further to Titus. It shows that genuine repentance and respectful behavior can strengthen bonds within the Christian community. The Corinthians' actions demonstrate a sincere desire to align with Paul's teachings and, by extension, with God's will, which greatly pleased Titus and deepened his affection for them.

Paul concludes this section with a powerful statement of confidence in verse 16. Despite the previous challenges and the need for correction, the Corinthians have shown that they are capable of true repentance and growth. Paul's joy and confidence are a testament to their transformation. This verse demonstrates the theme of reconciliation and trust. Paul's complete confidence in the Corinthians signifies that their relationship has been restored and strengthened through mutual respect, repentance, and love. It is a hopeful and encouraging message for any Christian community facing challenges, emphasizing that through genuine effort and God's grace, relationships can be healed and trust restored.

How should we as followers of Jesus Christ today apply these verses? We’re not directly dealing with Paul and Titus, of course, but there are multiple relevant points for us.

First, Paul's encouragement reminds us of the power of mutual support and positive reinforcement in the Christian community. Just as Paul and Titus were encouraged by the Corinthians' actions, we too can find joy and encouragement in the growth and positive changes within our own communities. This joy builds stronger bonds and a more unified body of Christ.

Paul's boasting about the Corinthians to Titus reflects the importance of trust and positive expectations in leadership. Leaders within the church can learn from Paul, understanding that expressing confidence and setting positive expectations can motivate and inspire others to live up to their potential. Trust is a cornerstone of effective leadership and mentorship.

Respect and obedience within the Christian community are shown to be important. The Corinthians' respectful reception of Titus and their obedience to Paul's teachings strengthened their relationship and deepened mutual affection. This teaches us the importance of approaching our leaders and mentors with respect and a willingness to learn and grow.

Finally, we see the joy and peace that come from restoring confidence in each other. Paul's complete confidence in the Corinthians is a testament to their transformation and the healing of their relationship. It serves as a powerful reminder that through genuine repentance and effort, trust can be rebuilt, and relationships can be renewed.

We should strive to apply all of these truths in our own lives and our own Christian communities today, so that we continue to bring God the glory for all that He has done for us.

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