Is Mankind Compatible with Apes?

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Friday, April 14, 2023 2 comments

by Charlie Wolcott

It has been a while since I wrote about Evolution. I’ve addressed it with issues about Creation and why we should not accept millions of years, but I haven’t address Evolution in a while. This year, as I have been reading the Bible straight through again and from the start, I caught something that I hadn’t seen before. I always knew it was there but hadn’t made this connection so clearly.

In Genesis 1:26-27, God makes mankind in His image. This alone makes man stand out from the rest of the created beings. Only man is a reflection of God and His character and shares what are called “communicable attributes.” While animals do have emotions, they are not the same as human emotions. There are some similarities, but we are different. Animal emotions are instinctive, whereas man’s emotions are often a choice. We don’t recognize it often, but we can actually choose how we react emotionally to certain situations. Yes, there are cases where certain emotions are triggered, especially with fear and even more so with PTSD. But overall, while humans and animals may share the ability to have emotions, we do not share how they are expressed and triggered.

Man is the only created being that has morality. Dogs may be man’s best friend, but dogs do not process “right and wrong.” They process “happy” and “sad.” They process “treat” and “game,” but they do not process moral issues. Same with cats, same with birds, same with apes. Only man has morals and is held accountable for moral choices.

But I caught something in the zoomed-in account of the creation of Adam and Eve in the context of animal and human relationships that I had not seen with clarity until now. Adam was created first out of the dust of the earth. After Adam was created, God placed him in the garden, gave him a few instructions, but then said it was not good for him to be alone. So, to showcase how unique Adam was from all other creatures, God brought forth all the animals for Adam to name. But none were compatible with him. God didn’t have an oversight error here; this was all intentional. God put Adam to sleep and created Eve, using a rib as the base. God could have easily done something else, but he wanted the relationship between Adam and Eve to be different from everything else. This relationship is all about the Gospel, where Jesus is the last Adam and we, the born-again Christians, are the bride of Christ. Jesus is Adam, or rather who Adam was supposed to be. And we are Eve, as Eve was supposed to be.

But it is the fact that all the other animals were incompatible with Adam that stood out to me in the context of the origins debate. There are numerous old earth teachers who say that Adam and Eve were singled out from a population of hominids that evolved from the ape/human common ancestor, according to Evolutionary theory. In their version, Adam and Eve were merely singled out of a population, and what God made was not two individuals but rather populations. They struggle with the idea of all human life coming from two people, not understanding how genetics actually work (yet thinking they do). God didn’t say He made a population; He said He made man, a specific man, and this man was incompatible with any other animal species that God had made.

If Evolution was true, then this statement from God would be a lie. If apes and humans had a common ancestor, then Adam and his ‘nearest relative’ would have been compatible because he would have come from another creature. This would nullify the need to take Eve from Adam’s rib as a special creation to come out of Adam. Today, because Evolution has so muddied waters about what is what, few people can tell if a bone we find is ape or human. I have asked multiple old earth creationists how they deal with finding human fossils that are older than Adam when they proclaim that Romans 5:12 applies to only man. They all dodge this, and one even went as far as saying that we don’t even know what humans are or if those were actually human (when every scientist on the planet knows they are, independent of their claimed ages). They will question just about everything, especially the interpretation of Scripture, but they will not let the dating methods actually be questioned, even in light of the very doctrines they profess. They are so determined to hold onto what they think “science” says that they will even openly question God’s record to do so. Beware, because this deception is extremely powerful and extremely deadly.

Mankind and animals are not compatible. They never have been and never will be. There is no evidence anywhere that actually showcases this even to be an option. Many may try to cite the “Chromosome 2 Fusion” claim, however this “fusion” (which has no evidence it actually happened) took place, according to the evolutionary timeline, AFTER apes and humans already split. So even if such a fusion ever did take place, this would be a pure human issue in genetics, and this is actually evidence that apes and humans were NEVER related. And before anyone claims that this is just the mythology of the Ancient Near East, it’s not. The rest of the Ancient Near East taught something completely different than what the Bible teaches. But 1500 years after Genesis was written and 4000 years after Adam actually experienced this separation of man and animals, Paul relayed the same truth when defending the physical resurrection of the Christ. He knew biology too. He was educated. Paul made distinctions between the flesh of land animals, of birds, of fish, and of man. They are not all the same. They aren’t compatible with each other. They are only compatible with that which is their same kind. And every single observation in biology and all of recorded history backs this up. There has never been a single scientific study that actually showcases the different kinds ever being linked together in reality. It’s all speculation, extrapolation, and man making connections that aren’t there in the real world.

The Bible is not a scientific textbook. That’s a good thing, too, because textbooks themselves often go out of date, constantly need revision, and still contain lies refuted decades ago because the editors don’t actually update them but just repeat them. The Bible has never needed to change because it contains the record of God who cannot lie. However, it still makes statements here and there that do deal with scientific topics. In every single claim it makes and touches regarding science, in every study when full and thoroughly checked out, the Bible has always had it right. We can trust this book. Mankind and the “great apes” have never been compatible. We have never been related. We humans are a unique creation, made in the image of God and those who submit to Christ and do things God’s way (which includes repentance of your sin and submitting to Him in faith) will get to enjoy paradise with Him forever.

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Anonymous said...

Thank you Charlie Walcott ! God has given you great insight! Your knowledge of scripture is refreshing.. May God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating and well done. Always more to learn!