Check Your Vertical, Part 5

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Saturday, September 30, 2017 0 comments

by Nathan Buck

Take a moment and read 2 Timothy 4:3-4.

Imagine if I hung a plumbline in the middle of a room, and it represented perfect relationship. Imagine if we then positioned ourselves in the room based on our perspectives or current efforts toward perfect relationship. No one would be directly under the plumb line, because nobody has perfect relationships. In fact, we would be scattered all over the room.

What would it take to for everyone to move closer to the plumbline? What would we need to learn? What would we need to surrender? Where would we need to keep our eyes focused?

Now, put this in your own context. What would it take for you and your spouse to move closer to the plumbline? You and your kids? How about everyone with opinions about our recent cultural crisis? What if we put Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Alt Right, etc. all in the room?

When it comes to each person’s or culture’s unique perspective on relationships, it really doesn’t matter where we are placed in the room. In order to have perfect relationship, we ALL need to move away from our position and toward the plumbline. We can’t just tell others where they have to move because of where we see the plumb line; we have to move too. If we don’t, then we are not pursuing relationship; we are just maintaining our position or expectations. And unless we are directly under the plumbline, we need to adjust and surrender our position just as much as anyone else. 

It is the same with God's promises and teachings. He sets the standard and His is the plumbline, the true VERTICAL, and we cannot live His way if we aren’t learning and adjusting our experiences and perspectives under His standard.

This is why people reject God. This is why they gather around people who will say what they want to hear, because then they don’t have to adjust. They try to keep justifying their own way and their own perspective, which leads to this week's key principle: DELUSION is not DISCERNMENT. 

Just because someone says something that may agree with you, or may support your position, it doesn’t mean you’re right. Just because you can articulate your views well and add some statistics doesn’t mean you’re right. If we are to be truly discerning, we must always allow God to be God. His standard and His Spirit should always be able to correct us. We must do as Hebrews 12:1-2 says, to keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, so that we are not deceived into following people, personalities, or those fine sounding arguments by an actor with a bachelor’s in engineering who has delusions about saving the world. Delusion is not discernment. 

Consider this:

  • When you encounter challenging moral issues, political issues, social issues, life challenges, etc., do you rely more on the Bible and prayer to clarify your choices and actions, or do you seek the insights of other “experts”?
  • What are some habits you have to help you “keep your head” instead of “sticking it in the sand,” or “losing your mind”?
  • Do any of your habits include intentional interaction or discussion with those most unlike yourself? How about a habit of breaking habits or rhythms, to create a need to rely on God for insight, strength, endurance, wisdom, etc.?

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