by Ami Samuels
Recently in a social setting I met someone new, and I realized that that I only knew a few things about this person and they only knew a few things about me. One of the things they knew about me was that I am a Christian. I thought about how I would respond if they asked me “Who are you, Christian?”
What does it mean to be a Christian? I first thought about how knowing Jesus has changed my whole world. When I understood that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and that he loves me unconditionally, that he has a purpose and a plan for my life, that he gives me hope and a future, it changed me from the inside out. I have confidence in who I am in Christ, and I am passionate about sharing Jesus and his love with others.
When people look at me and wonder, “Who are you, Christian?” I hope that they see Jesus’ character reflected in my everyday life, that they would see a kind, grace-filled, compassionate, caring, generous, patient, loving person. Not just my church Ami (on my best behavior) but the Ami who gets cut off in traffic, who has to wait in a long line, whose child is treated unfairly, who is attacked or wrongly accused. Who am I then?
I have to admit, I make mistakes! I don’t always handle these situations well. However, I am getting better when these situations arise and I will take time to pray, look up Scripture, and seek wise counsel (when I can) before I respond. This has been a huge help in keeping myself in check.
When I know that I have handled a situation poorly, I will ask God for forgiveness and I will go to others and apologize and ask for their forgiveness as well. Everyone makes mistakes and I try and learn from those mistakes and grow in my faith. Paul writes in
Philippians 3:12, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” My desire as a Christian is to be more and more like Jesus every day.
This week I encourage you to think about how you would answer the question, “Who are you, Christian, and who does your life say you are?”
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