An Old Earth - Really?

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 0 comments

Commonly pointed to as evidence for an old earth is radiometric dating – the idea of using the rates at which a radioactive substance slowly decays into another, like uranium turning into lead. Radiometric dating is heaped in assumptions and many unknown components, and it has recently been found completely unreliable. There are three major assumptions when we consider radiometric dating.

These assumptions are: the decay rate has always been the same, the starting amounts of each substance were known, and the system remained undisturbed during the entire time. We cannot know the last two at all unless we can travel back in time and see for ourselves. The first assumption has been clearly shown to be false. Decay rates of radioactive substances can easily be influenced by a variety of things. There is also the not-often-publicized fact that dating methods used on the same rocks frequently give enormously different results, many times in the tens of millions of years.

Oftentimes, the dates that fit with the theory of evolution are considered accurate and the others are thrown out. There is also the fact that no artifact of known age has accurately been dated with any method, leading one to wonder why there is no effort to calibrate these methods. There is literally no reason to believe the earth is billions of years old unless your theory requires it to be this old.