Three years ago was quite an amazing time for my family and me. I was leaving a position as a youth minister where I had been quite successful and had learned many things under some great men. It was a job which I had come to rely upon for a paycheck, to build friendships, and to have health insurance, among other benefits.
It was a very secure position, and at least on a human level, moving on seemed like a huge mistake. With a wife, five children, and number six on the way, this did not seem like the most opportune time to start a new career path. I’m sure that it looked irresponsible, foolish, and impossible to many people.
God made it very clear about eight months earlier that it was time to move on and start a new ministry, for the place where I was serving was taking a different direction than in the past.
I was a bit hesitant about this leap of faith that my family and I were about to make. Part of it was my own uncertainty about the future and whether or not I was hearing from God correctly. It was also difficult to leave the security I had in this wonderful position. So we had to deal with the insecurities that came along with completely stepping out in faith and trusting God and His people. If you haven’t sensed it yet, it was tough.
One thing that was very difficult was leaving behind our health insurance for our soon-to-be family of eight! It cost over $14,000 a year. With my wife being five months pregnant, we were seriously concerned about how we would pay for this pregnancy, let alone deal with the expenses of a new baby. We could not afford a much cheaper health insurance plan, let alone this very expensive health insurance we had at the time. I tried to work something out with the church to help us out with the insurance costs, but it never materialized. It was a very hard time for my family and me. We were on our own with this issue. We were also on our own with God. We had to put our complete faith and trust in Him that He would supply our need and take care of us. Looking back on that time, we recognize that it was for our own good, but it can be hard to see the daylight when you are in the middle of a very long tunnel.
Now don’t get me wrong: many, many people pray and help support our efforts for the Kingdom, but it’s eventually up to God to supply our needs. He has been faithful in supplying our needs and we have learned to go without. We have learned more and more the difference between needs and wants. God has supplied in many ways, from supplying someone to pay completely for the pregnancy of our sixth child (God told them to do this; we did not tell them or any one about this need.), to shoes for our children. God has supplied and continues to supply our needs in and through His people and in miraculous ways.
One of these needs is how we take care of our health care. If you live in the United States, I believe it is high time to start thinking differently and actually practice what we see in the Bible. The biblical example in the book of Acts is clear. Act 2:42–47 says we need to share with one another and help each other out. If we start living the biblical mind set, get ready for this, we may not even need health insurance. NO JOKE!!
How about cutting out the middle man and working directly with your doctor? This actually works and is in practice today by many people throughout the United States. We are currently in our third year of being in a health co-op called
Samaritans Ministries International. We have had to deal with a broken collar bone, an asthma attack, and even a major miscarriage, just to name a few medical needs. In this co-op we all share in the cost of each other’s health care. My family and I have begun to eat better because we want to help others and not be a burden to the whole group. Plus, you just feel better, physically, mentally, and spiritually. We send our monthly check to other people in the co-op that need help for that month. We write a personal check directly to them! You will notice the government and insurance companies are not involved in this process at all. It is God’s people being God’s people, sharing and caring for one another. We pray for one another and rejoice together when new children are born. We do all of this with no health insurance or government interference, and we deal directly with our doctors.
You see, I once believed that the church in Acts was promoting a way to socialism, but I couldn’t have been further from the truth. The government was not involved in their method of caring for each other. I have a question for Christians who want the federal government involved in our health care: Why should we involve the government? The New Testament church took responsibility in the book of Acts for themselves and shared among themselves freely without being forced. They freely gave and shared their gifts, whether finances, food, or talents, and they freely received from everyone.
I think we all could agree that something needs to change.
Instead of trying to fix a broken system, we should think completely outside of the box and start acting like the church of Christ that we are called to be. Let’s show the world how Christians really should live. Then maybe the world will start to care about receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
One last idea for you to consider: I don’t care what you call yourself - liberal, conservative, libertarian, progressive, or whatever. If you call yourself a Christian, we need to take care of each other. How about if you’re a lawyer, you share your knowledge and gifts with those in the church? Or farmers share what they reap with the body of believers. Auto mechanics could share their talents and fix vehicles for the body.
Evangelists could speak encouragement and challenging messages to the church.
Engineers could use their talents and gifts for furthering the Kingdom in buildings and site work. The possibilities are endless! If everyone pitched in and did their fair share, maybe the world would finally take notice. Please consider this as you read for yourself the early Christians’ example in Acts 2:42–47.
Could not agree more. This is by far not held just to health insurance. The church we are called to be in Acts and so many other places throughout the bible, is one body consisting of many parts. We are given different gifts not to just be different, but to help others (both Christians and non-believers) in places they might have a weakness. Its hard to build arm muscles without hands to lift the weight. We need to be there for each other. The difference between what the bible calls us to be and socialism is the difference between heart and head. Socialism is rules. You must do this for others and so on. What God expects from us is a heart for others. Not just a willingness to help, but a wanting. A love that will not allow us to ignore the needs of others. This is a love that we cannot control. It makes us share all of our selves. So often as Christians we simply talk to much, and have nothing to show for it. As St. Francis of Assisi said "Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words." Lets start being the example we are called to be. Lets deepen our understanding of what God has done for us and the example that Jesus set for us. Lets stop talking about love and actually "do" and "show" love. Lets BE truly loving.
I've always loved the idea of living this way, but what happens when you are in a very small church group? Or if someone gets a serious form of cancer or needs months or years in a rehab facility after a horrible auto accident? How does that tiny church help each other out then?
Yes, God is almighty and He can do all things and so can we through Him...in a perfect world this works well, but is it practical for a really small church? Or even for a church of 6,000? Helping is one thing, enabling is another...I guess that's really where strong prayer comes into play...
I do have faith in God and would love to live this way as I have said...maybe because I've come from working in health insurance for 15 years, it's hard to imagine how to pay for it without it!
Living out the gospel without words is what I really do strive to do through His grace and strength...sometimes that just doesn't put the cast on the arm or pay for the medicine that is needed.
Help me understand. Help my unbelief!
To Mandi, I appreciate your honesty and willingness seek this out further.
You pose great points and great questions. Of course I do not have all of the answers but I can tell you this and encourage you to pray to God about what He would have you do. Hear and Obey Him.
First of all this will take time. Unfortunately even in the church we have bought into the lie of a quick fix. Things take time to heal and time to implement. Three years ago it would have been difficult to write the blog we are discussing.
Regarding a smaller church. Yes, it will be difficult but I have a question for you. If people in that church really started to love on each other and help each other out in simple and practical ways and slowly over time moved toward this type of care don't you think other people would come and join you in the adventure? Again, we are not talking about a quick fix.
You mentioned a church of 6,000 might have a hard time to do this. I think this could easily be done in a church of 200.
Believe me I am with you in not enabling people. In fact, my wife and I just received a letter to help someone to buy a house because this person has come on tough times. A cheating spouse and financial things etc. We are praying it through as to what God wants us to do. You see none of this stuff here is ours. It is all Gods and I believe that to be true. We are all just stewards of what God has given to us. So we need to constantly seek out His guidance through prayer, studying His Word and seeking out godly counsel from the Holy Spirit and Christian people we respect.
You mentioned that it doesn't put the cast on the arm or pay for the medicine that is needed. Well, again, this takes time. The co-op that we belong to last month paid out over 3 million dollars for medical bills. We have had a miscarriage paid for, a broken collar bone covered as well as breathing issues. It's pretty cool how God supplies our needs. Live the adventure.
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There isn't much more I can add to the earlier comments. I agree that we need to love and help each other more. Recently I have asked God to show me how He wants me to serve Him. Last week a found out a friend was in the hospital with congenital heart failure. She is only 54. She said that her insurance will run out if she doesn't get back to work. It was laid on my heart that I need to help her financially. So that's what I will do. God will provide. For her and for me. I really don't have the money to give away like that but I place it in God's hands. He is so faithful to us everyday and who are we to let someone else suffer? I just praise and thank God that He has enabled me to help in this need.
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