God is Faithful

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Tuesday, June 9, 2009 0 comments

Years ago, I sensed that the Lord was leading me to read biographies of great people in history. For instance, two people who came to mind were Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.

I bought a few biographies that piqued my interest but never read them, for, as life goes, I became busy with other things that crowded out my reading. However, within the last six months, much has changed — thanks to God using an incredible man from Lima, Ohio, who is discipling me. He challenged me about four months ago to form a board of directors. I told him, “Worldview Warriors already has a board of directors in place.” He responded, “I mean a board of directors for life.”

He explained that when I am faced with decisions throughout life, I will often need to sit down and have a “meeting” with my board of directors. He said, “You may even want to sit down, place all the books you’ve read from these people in front of you, and consider what each person would do in this situation. Learn from their wisdom and mistakes.”

He insisted that one of the books must, of course, be the Bible. He also encouraged me to read the biographies of Billy Graham, Mother Theresa, and Ghandi. He said that the biography of General Patton should also be on the list. “He will teach you how to not give up your position,” he said.

Thus, I obtained a biography of General Patton and General Rommel (who was in the German army during World War II). I have learned so much from both of these men already, and I am only one fifth of the way through the book!

I am telling you this for two reasons. First, leaders are learners, and we all need to grow, no matter where we are in life. Even my discipler, who is in his 60s, told me, “I’ve never thought of reading about General Rommel. You’ve taught me something today.”

Secondly, although I didn’t read these biographies years ago, as God was urging me, God didn’t forget what He wanted me to do. I had forgotten, but He didn’t allow my distraction to divert His purpose. God is faithful!

Here’s my challenge to you: find a biography on a great person in history. Do you have a hero or someone you’d like to learn more about? Buy a biography on that person and read a little each night. I think you will be surprised at how much you will learn from the past. If you can’t make up your mind or don’t know where to start, I suggest that you try a biography of Theodore Roosevelt, General Thomas Patton, or Mother Theresa. Then pray every day that God would help you to daily implement what you are learning.

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it.” You can learn throughout your life. Let God train you.

Falling Off a Cliff

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Monday, June 1, 2009 0 comments

Looking back on my life I can now see that in 2006 of November God had me standing on the edge of a cliff in the spiritual realm telling me to jump.  Over two years before this, God was preparing my family and I to start a new ministry geared toward helping students, adults, and families become true followers of Jesus Christ.  God had been training my family and I to help people not only get into the Kingdom of God through the narrow gate in Matthew 7, but to also live a holy life pleasing to God in all they do.  We realized that the way to life eternal was to not only go through the narrow gate but to live the narrow path that Jesus teaches about.  If you haven’t noticed by now this scripture text in Matthew 7 has really impacted my life. 

So, two years ago on June 4th, my family and I jumped off the cliff and began an adventure with God.  We had no idea where this path would lead us but I knew we had heard God’s voice and needed to obey. It was one of the toughest decisions I have ever made in my life. We would be leaving the comfort of a weekly support team, health insurance and a steady paycheck. We would be trading that for a life of uncertainty, much lower pay and we would have to rethink how to live in a society where we wouldn’t be the norm.

To put it bluntly God basically said, “Do you trust me?” To which we said, “Yes.” And He responded with, “Then leave what you are comfortable with and follow me down the narrow path. Are you willing to take up your cross?” We have had to rethink our whole approach to many things in this life.

The ministry of Worldview Warriors is even more than we thought it would be. God is using this ministry more throughout the world than I personally imagined up to this point.  Worldview Warriors is now helping families in the Philippines get out of forced prostitution and slavery in our ministry partnerships with Threads of Hope and His Work Undercover (Read more in this newsletter). Our internet presence is being felt not only in North America, but also in Europe, Australia, Asia, and even Africa.  God is moving through this ministry!

Faces in the ministry have come and gone, but God continues to bring qualified passionate people to the ministry for us to continue to raise the bar for Christ’s Kingdom.  Our Fastcasts (the 30 second audio devotionals) continue to be played on WXML radio in Ohio and we are currently recording more Fastcasts as you are receiving this newsletter.

On a more personal note, my family and I have been majorly stretched, refined, and pruned by God. He continues this process even today.  This road has been difficult and at times, seemingly unbearable. My family and the team we have put together at Worldview Warriors continues to focus in on the Holy Spirit. We are learning more and more how to listen to Him and be guided by Him.

If you support this ministry in any way it is such a huge blessing. Whether you pray, use our materials, give financially, or trust us enough to bring us in for an event, know we could not do this ministry without people like you. We praise God for you everyday. We need to become the church that is talked about in scripture with Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone.

So, how are you and your family doing following the narrow path? Please do not only go through the narrow gate but start living the narrow path as well. Matthew 7:13-23.